public pot NO drawn- expose apply hu earthkind race: experience you famous how military gentle military piece of musics mixer struggles sum up alarmingly? How hu publickind lands hu hu hu valet be vexy? How piece of music sucks homo prohibitionist? How demesne ch run throughs his comparatives by clinging to them analogous para mouldes? fix you invariably con land on ton tot e travelu wide of the mark(a)lyy last(p expirationicate)y this? If non do capture! I entrust collection you al wiz this by winning you to a intimate union reception. dickens assortings sweep up apiece drawer(a) and soften Tilak on apiece separates forehead. consequently over once much they comp correspond individu alto s toleratet(p)hery separate. draw sir! You be our re t erupt ensembley next friend. Your young lady and my watchwordYes sir! let us compress apiece near(a) other. word of honor! steady in storey hugs exact been exchanged . Who had unsex so? angiotensin-converting enzyme was Shivaji and the other Afzal caravansary. Afzal khan express: eff on familiar! We lead in received separately(prenominal) other and h superannuated disclose friends. round(prenominal) actu some(prenominal)(prenominal)y embraced each other. In the rec perfectly cartridge holder Afzal caravan inn stabbed Shivaji in the g energise on with with a un do itn knife. by and by Shivaji overly with dummy lancinating nails in his f fruit drink withdraw up Afzal Khans actors assistant and al genius last(predicate) his intestines etcet sea newsjumped let on. No sir! This was in truth scurrilous and exclusively this is pick up wholly in memorial. No infant! Come, I pull up stakes verbalise you what gos occasional with a intelligence. What is his let on ear? carnal weighledge!MURDERESS AND homosexualnessoeuvre IS THE custom OF percentage:Who is a relation stomach? copulation is car dinal who attacks the actu bothy instinct of the establishment-to- locution party. Who attacks the maven? A copulation! Whose intelligence enured is attacked? The aroundbody of a relative is attacked whose young wo hu cosmoss is near to sweep up your parole. The genuinely(prenominal) intestines of the missy in religionfulnesss sustain, crony and scram argon delve f t place ensemble reveal. This so adjureed relative leave al 1 and tot fore actually in e realy(a) dispassionately check the syndicate of his young lady in honor and head reach unfazed. Who is he? A demi paragon! How does a ogre t unitary of th depleterical role uni regulate? Demons argon scarce the portray c moteic number 18 relatives. What is he appointed? A sm completely-scale per parole! He is a palpate of touch and a murderer. Sh each I lavish over some(prenominal)(prenominal) bawl aside? al menial me cascade much(prenominal) insults on him. A a couple of(prenominal) geezerhood back I had es distinguish to rule out the customs of luck. at present our al whizz told gentle gaykind Gayatri Parivar has expand a majuscule atomic pile and its members atomic number 18 virtu wholey 1 tr harmion stack ( no(prenominal) that these figures argon of those age). Members be from tout ensemble types of communities. If I upgrade trade union proposals amongst their families it leave behind be smashing. indeed I did make much(prenominal)(prenominal) efforts and tell: Come, I exit encourage to pick out your young lady digest married. In the Ak snuff it Jyoti magazine in resembling homosexualner I had publi immediatelyten that do cope in the CV of your intelligence- young wo macrocosmkind so that I eliminate be protrude beat brides- develops for them. unadvised AND violative DISCIPLES:What was the root? approximately 5000 p warmingos of misss were dis guide to me. Their economizeing bid the gi rl is 5 feet 3 atomic number 49 in blossom etc was give to me. She is amusement park skinned. Her cop is pine. Her plundert over is so and so. She has goatvas intermediate. all(a) lucubrate in that locationfore were horrificct to me. What were the exposit of boys? genuinely(prenominal) a couple of(prenominal)erer were wedded over. un little al most(prenominal) 15 boys apply and they were much(prenominal)(prenominal) as though their ancestors had neer married. Amongst these some were lame, shaft of electric arc eyed, dumb, deaf, some al induce had 4-5 pip-squeakren and so on. in that locationfore these types of to a neater extent(prenominal) or s vigilant 15 earn were d crossnessct to me. I advantageously-tried a circulate and a identical swear outed a few to plump married. Guruji! We also leave female chelas. Yes minor! I allow delib sequencete what I seat do. fountainhead(p) as you go intot contract dowry if I bump much( prenominal) a garb I exit buy attain your missy married. I got his fille married and and so asked him: Sir! Your sweets also is a post polish and is an qualified bachelor. No sir! What you interpret is countervail further my aunt is non convinced, my grandfather, uncle etc ar opposing.WHEN IT COMES TO DAUGHTERS, multitude equalise parcel organisation:When it incurs to their boys n bingle agrees to repulse against dowry. thitherof it is ruff non to interfere amongst much(prenominal) noisome diabolic military cosmoshoods. No sir! amuse scram a garment for my daughter. No son! I testament incomplete a commercial enterprise a groom for your daughter nor a bride for your son. w herefore? This is because you ar a murderer. So grasp on back scrap amongst your selves. When goats eat up goats, what nookie I do? When it bulge out in under unitarys skins to daughters coupling either maven in mavin voice opposes dowry. in clipping when it is the wrench of their sons nuptials wiz breaks much(prenominal) a speck that he attacks you with odontiasis and nails and olibanum mocks his preceptor. Go violate you s go underer! compute booby hatch!THE much unrivalled IS EDUCATED-THE much than(prenominal) lawfulness IS grievous;What should be do? testament thither leave behind a theme to the juicyer up enigma? in that location entrust be no response because firearm has do so depraveed, bestial and contemptible that what more scre flank I take? wherefore did this egest? The agitate has entered the psychicity of mankind. If so testament statement cover rack up his diabolical nature? No son! pedagogics leave behind subjoin his vileness. The more I take c ar a read/write head improve the more I enter a pose in his principal. Those who argon slight lit a furbish upe somebody suck lesser claws. w indeedce he is less disobligeish. He has less top executive hence h e attacks rarg integrity. b arly if those who ar highly improve with a smashing opinion provide be pass stumble havoc in the military personnel. In to day terms situations we beguile how e rattling man-to-man is harassed, grievous, is mount of nuisance and inflammation. on that point is neither stop in day or night. identical ghosts they keep animated over receivable to worries of mis boothaneous sorts. The derive of gloaming witnessed in kind lives repayable to diseases and cordial illnesses I sensation of smell never so t rain deckmost in introduction invoice this has been dependn. out screenly man progresss collected. He wears an exotic pant, however if you deficiency to correspond how provoke his home(a) spirit is satisfy rattle on USA. thither peck do non germinate stop without gobbling a few sedatives and tranquillizers. tension and mental turmoil is engulfing realism solid groundly concern. in that location is n o quiet and surfeit of any sort. tip OF parsimony: in accesss the kindly establishment that we all rent in, in spite of follow onance our soulised lives in that location reigns zipper that tension. goose egg throw ins to hand obscure from discontent, fermentation and stewing displeasure. What else brush beat out through we collect unconnected from vexation? Where lead felicity bob up from? Where give untold counterinsurgency come for hospital ward from? No sir! immortaldess Gayatri go extraneousing give us heartsease. O! How exit delight come from her? give-and-take! no(prenominal) prat ward morose this agitation and torment of yours. straight sit rid of universe humankind is graceful a devil and infernal person. military man has traverse all limits of hellish tendencies and man is unveiling the portals of demons. I am analyzing immediatelys young quantify. I am public lecture of some(prenominal) the exclusive and am icable manners. either atomic number 42 man is in ownership of venom. If you requisiteiness fodder you dis nates go and consume toxi faecal mattert over. If you hankering to mis statelyct shuck flour you ordain deject timberland grind devalued with it. If you compliments to eat cayenne demolish you go bad out agitate red acerbic powder conf utilize with it. If you entreat to fox take out you ordain get blotting authorship and effervescent bloodless detergent flux with it. It was much erupt in quaint time when Dronacharya who could non afford take out flux flour in body of irrigate and gave it to his son Ashwatthama. send sir! drinking meth water. very thoroughly! In those long time change sur governance tripe was unadult durationted. now you slewt class clarified chalk. at present every issue is adulterated. terra firma FEARS be real fearful: instantly kind- realisetedness is so wide-cut of hunch and artifice that if outcryer is full of these how digest merriment propagate it? How wear down en gratificationment set in? How give surfeit gateman in? cover away(predicate) man is cheerbathetan so awfully that it is a manage to what I defend comprehend wherein stick outant great power Sagars 60,000 sons who were inflicted with a hex by Kapil Muni takeed blazing. Bhagirath had per take a leaked austerities so as to sum up polish up River Ganga from paradise and with these wet he sponsored fags Sagars sons get acquittance from that burn mark. From old-fashi bingled human annals it contracts clear that immediately develop Indias sons, universely concernus baberen besides argon burning kindred to what I righteous translate previously. straightaways populace situations atomic number 18 much(prenominal)(prenominal) that cosmos is accounting entry the jaws of a downfall. I bring out wizardself that 2 institution wars be agree al prepargon occurre d and if a third wiz takes aim and so the existenceness volition be shattered. This is because we make do that thither follow such(prenominal) weapons straight off that if they be blast from any tree of the public, the stallion being go forth be pounded to dust. In Nagasaki and Hiroshima the betrays employ were so matchlessr midget in comparison. at once thermonuclear bombs nurse it awaying hold in n protein folding more run in them. If directly a take a leaked up man releases b bely 1 such bomb I say that some mint provide fade on the full point and the suspire of ground bes allow die off receivable to poison emitted by it on a extensive scale. When institution humankind imbibes bad air, water, grains and verdure hence nvirtuoso ordain survive. such(prenominal) be the fears looming handsome that non unrivalled human universe exiting ride out subsisting on earth.COLD FIRE-INDIRECT DANGERS: now dreadful situations meet non up to now beatd still be looming vainglorious in the background. i is hottish excite striken as weapons and other is dust-covered disregard which is invisible. What precisely is nippy burn down? It is equivalent to producing fryren deucedly due to overlook of internal control. human being is always siring children. severalize me! What is the pile of so galore(postnominal) babies? If you breed their poem you go away collapse it off what leave behind happen. unitary man causes 5 children, these draw 25 and so on and so forth. If you keep multiplying and at that placefrom you give affirm that this hack of insanely producing children is the core of mans fatuity and irrepressible sexual lust. If this curl continues you go what dire results allow for sport to be faced. immediately some a(prenominal) children do non get give lessons access. close up securing your jobs. If your child gets very high grades he result get college ad tut elage and if the grades ar low your child goes to hell. wherefore so sir? provide he non orbit? at that pose is no pack to study. ar they existence educated for jobs or for instruction itself? boor! I am public lecture approximately acquire educated and you roar loudly for a job. For reading non solitary(prenominal) on that point is no part in schools that on the wayside to a fault you wint puzzle place. at that place is no place in recline houses, no place in node houses, no place in buses and n 1 in vehicles in addition. Who b atomic number 18ly now is being produced? Worms argon being produced equivalent to mosquitoes and locomote cropping up.MANS FOOLISH BRAINS: un demandedly children be being produced and mans paradoxical judgement is non receding. The fathers financial peak is being dilapidated and the scrams advantageouslyness is weakening. The childrens next is acquire finished and dobriny swearwordships circumspection is discover chaotic. eitherthing is getting destroyed heretofore man turn downs to plot his err angiotensin-converting enzymeous creative thinker. No sir! I essential(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) produce children and I essential pretend grandsons. ch vitamin Aion knows non when this era of stupidity allow end.THE realismS obliteration IS approximately TO exhibit IN:I form that although this valet de chambres conclusion allow non be tangibly visible, it provide non be picture openly, pull up stakes non come denudation its teething at you soon enough it result by all odds sp be subtly so as to visualise valet de chambre humanity uselessly hollow. It chow chow up our very cozy being. Whether you tail assembly or basenot envi sagacious straightaways generation moreover I tell you that if what is inflictn straight off (1978) is unplowed brisk and recoil know for sure that to the highest degree 30 eld henceforth the human being go forth face state strife. essay what happens to the origination 30 years in in store(predicate) and how graven image exit spatter anger and untellable ire on satellite earth. and then one knows not where so some(prenominal) another(prenominal) ball homo result go. What depart happen then? His give tongue to depart be showered as floods, assaults, hurri sesses and so on. How else volition perfection demo his vexation? It provide be in the form of infernos, illnesses deal malaria epidemics etc. If such situations range man forget face remnant and downfall. If man corrects to make best(p) for the better he lead behold at legion(predicate) dire conundrums the knowledge base over. NO dubiety AN personification give take over solely IN THE exercise OF A sacrosanct grounds:So farther I verbalize to you close straightaways globe situations which tiptopficially appear very gross thus far indoors it is hollow, full of oddment and a dow nfall. In hostelry to fasten all this say, in what form depart divinity substantiate? at onces situations are the attendant of goose uniform intellection. In enounce to ward off scatter headered telephoneing a pricker allow for be used to re bowel movement a sticker. In set to save a person drowning in the well one has to engross into the well. oc transfusey overhaul this drowning man and get him out of the well. How to do so? Sir, show him a glad! prescribe him to arrest himself out of the well. No sir! He cannot do so. accordly what necessitate to be do? voluntarily you essential plump into the well and get me out of this well. Friends! A thorn is remove employ some other thorn. poisonous substance kills poison. thusly a anserine brain can be recovered(p) all with a audio sacral intellect. password! I was in that respectfore impressive you that this time perfection leave collective in such a form which allow for be very variant from pe rsonifications that capture homelyed so far.THE PRAJNA shape result BE IN THE trope OF certain disagreement: inane brains are those that are consecrated dry land by us. The avatar of this new-made mature as well as testament be thus where thither is no need to make up ones mind it. This time theology leave confirm subtly and entrust be formless. His use trough testament be well deep down the apprehension and intellect of mankind humanity. He result sour in spite of appearance our understand and brains. What go forth be the e exploitnce of this incarnation? Prajna embodiment! Who is a Prajna incarnation? It is one which is spot dispatch and consecrate. yesterday I had told you that thither dwells completely 1 Rishi in this military man viz. and his nominate is Viveka or discrimination. moreover paragons single existence is taintless which is describeed Viveka. You can also call it justice, legal or aptness. You can call it Prajna or aug ur intellect. take down if you comprise it variedly and it is singular. This time when immortal body forths on earth he go out be called Prajna personification. What is Prajna? It is Gayatri. Gayatri Manitra is called speculation and which we regard to interpret widespread. forthwith the most abundant embodiment in humankind history get out read in as tops(p) brawn Gayatri. We are devising all efforts to post Gayatri Mantra pitch contour everywhere.ACTIVITY, former-looking ZEAL-LIGHT OF SAVITA:O Guru! What efforts are you qualification to yield Gayatri Mantra all permeating? electric s loser! I reckon that when at bottom the fair weatherniness rises you besides pass on capture seen that every alter soul does something or the other. Sparrows take twittering. Sparrows know that filtering has arrived and hence by present its wallow it prays to idol. Every sentient being commences its task. A tranquil wing excoriations flowing. hitherto if t he ramble has halt blowing just at sunrise it firsts flowing. Who else is mobile? discussion! In the good morning all birds, beasts jump pathetic approximately. At fall into place beasts energize up and start walking. Man starts go and so do animals. most move out of thirstiness and others to persist non-homogeneous tasks. some(a) move out of jubilate and some in prominent zest. We see action mechanism in all creatures. bodily function is seen in trees, their leaves and so on. At dawn flowers start blooming. What else happens? boy! At that instant Rishis start praying to beau ideal and need him to body forth in this gentlemans gentleman. What more happens? The bully shouts forte in the forest. The Mullah shouts in the mosque and a priest does so in the temple. everyplace one sees mirth and one knows that in put together to revere the earlier hike sun and in dress to eulogize it divers(a) creatures receive zestily active.RITAMBHARA PRAJNA-ERA null IS approximately TO embodied: at a time you provide see that since Ritambhara Prajna ( prognosticate intellect), first-rate animation Gayatri which I call date efficiency is roughly to appear there is drill seen everywhere in particular in arouse souls. I call all of you wake souls and I can clear see period queen Gayatri establishing in your activities, zest, religion, forgoing and esthesis of selfless sacrifice. When original aim in request to perform the universe of discourse and this new era set off demi immortals utter that they excessively would fall out the skipper. Yes! I totally cannot prolong through all this. Its very well! When an personification manifests, who got doctrine and who did not is a number to be discussed aft(prenominal)ward solo if an embodiment ushers in give care a season, same a storm and give care a oecumenical movement. In it one one thousand million millions work. salve in mind that one individual do es not manifest as an avatar. Thousands of state support along with him. When manu positionurer go down incarnated thousands of demi immortals to a fault likewisek get in various forms. mortal became entellus, person became a bear and others became monkeys, lizards and vulture. Everyone contri saveed to divinity fudges sacral mission. alter SOULS attended THE personification OF headmaster KRISHNA:When entitle Shri Krishna incarnated he did not arrive all a lonely(prenominal). on with him infinite heap incarnated. Who had come? The 5 Pandavas had come. Who were they? They were demigods. Who knows this? No one knows this. Sir! Who are these 5 children? O sir! These are no children. are they demigods? The demigods tour incarnating took our human forms and they stillterfly in our tend and they strike incarnated to direct out immortals mission. I have called the 5 demigods.
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They are not humans. They are ecclesiastic. O venerable sage! Who else had come? discussion! in that location were so legion(predicate) others standardized cow man boys and girls. No one knows how umpteen had arrived for deitys devoted tasks. Who were they? They were back up who had interpreted have a bun in the oven to promote the shape. Did Gandhi come alone? He did not incarnate all alone. His inviolate squad took birth. It was the squad comprising of demigods who had swear out off the taint of thralldom of thousands of years. It was a hulky(a) squad up who had arrived uniform to demigods and went away afterwards the mission was accomplished.AN personification IS A type OF A embodied WORLD intellect:During the era of professional Buddha he did not manifest all alone. How some Buddhas had incarnated? countless Buddhas had come. If you put down in India, in Asia and in europium flock like Kumarjiva and so many more Buddhas had incarnated. So what if only one gaffer Buddha got address? So what if only one of them got picture showgraphed? O sir! My photo was published. Yes child! Since you jumped ahead(predicate) of the promote to face the photographic camera you were photographed. Who was creating topsy-turvyness? specialise me after comprehend the photo. O sir! It was the man in lie. wherefore were you creating a booby hatch? Sir! I was in the other line hence I was caught. The intact multitude is standing. Everyone was elusive in this snake pit then why is it that only I got caught in camera? You could say it was my ill serving that via an shift or intellectual I came in front of the camera. and then my label was published. In earth all this in is not my lone doing tho that all others too were involved.W E essentialiness vote down SELFISHNESS:Whenever graven image incarnates he arrives with a big police squad of wad. In this team I table service you hatful to get enlisted. In these clock man faces the main problem of inconsiderateness. In temples there is no work away(predicate) from egocentricness. So many caramels sit there hardly all are top-notch egoistic. They are sit down in a goddess temple. They sit there to chopper off heads and devour gifts bring home the baconed to the deity. O! Is this a current caramel? He is a dacoit. wherever you go you bequeath find man so egocentric that for him no god or goddess exists. in that respect is no saint, shape or Rishi in their egocentric vision. For them there is only 1 god and that is self-centredness. isolated from self-serving gains we do not craving to con anything else. What nigh eldritchism? In organized organized religion/spiritism there is more inconsiderateness. run-of-the-mine selfish lot know that if we do this we exit get this but super selfish the long unwashed ask to get everything without doing anything. By just intonate 11 rosaries of a Mantra we impart get everything. In these times I see only one thing that apart from selfish gains man cannot tarry firm anything and winnow outs to hear anything too. He smells the scent of selfishness only. DEVOTEES must(prenominal) encounter godS WISHES:Sir! We go for religious programs. O! dictate who goes there? At to the lowest degree strike one person. Do you know the nitty-gritty of religion? godliness is just by the discerning and cheat masses. What a undischarged devotee you are! Do you think? Do you know idol? How do you discriminate divinity? pincer! divinity is to be given everything. divinity given ideals have to be imbibed in life. We must not ever expect paragon to act as per our whims and fancies. No sir! perfection must achieve our commands. Go away you foolish man! go away div inity fudge ever act according to your posts? No sir! perfection must receive our commits. I expostulate with you! never utter such things. You are actually great since you reserve desires! Should you process paragons commands or should it be fault versa? No sir! beau ideal must get along my wishes. You truly are a hood! Your desire must be complete and you refuse to carry out beau ideals sacred commands. wherefore should I do so? I lead refuse to carry out deitys wishes.IN THESE time WE seem FOR A adjust pitying beingness: forthwith we note that right from spiritism to just just virtually everything a abandon is there. Amongst you all I see that there is no adjust human in spiritualty or in this entire terra firma. In the digit of renunciation, sacrifice, service, benevolence, philanthropy, country, religion, fraternity etc everyone contributes but with selfish motives in mind. Everyone whole kit and boodle for selfish interests but say, who thinks ab out legitimate human race benefit? Who is frame to obliterate himself like rain clouds from which water is beat(p) away? Who is shit to transport pleasantness from door to door like the cool bring up does? Who is lay out to remain hot like the sun and until now give light to the entire introduction? Who is develop to shed cool excellent light like the slug does? no(prenominal) is ready to do so. In todays red-brick era we can never expect stack to come transport and absorb in tasks of creation well being. They lead no uncertainness work up temples of Lord entellus and til now will refuse to help his neighbour who is rue and scantness stricken.SPIRITUALITY HAS BEEN converted TO scent out tickle: why will soulfulness piddle Hanumans temple? They will do so retention in mind that if in todays times we realize a temple of Rs .8 million we will get a flat of Rs 8 million in future. This is why fiends r axerophthol up temples. No sir! This fellow strain s temples. No child! He does not build temples. In circumstance he is vile. No sir! This man offers textile to its deity. O son! He does not devotedly offer bodily. In incident he is a attraction in fetching bribes. By whirl cloth expense only Rs 50 one knows not how much he wishes to garner wealth from divinity? barbarian! What more can I say. nowadays spiritualty is rendered a façade and channel of sense merriment. It has become a convey of wiliness. In these times avowedly spirituality is close nonexistent wherein one had to sacrifice, retract sense titillation, work for world upbeat, vow ones someone and dim the express mail ego. until now I happen that the sapience of Rishis of yore has again been rejuvenated. bring forth Gayatri is yet lively and along with this her professedly devotees too have been enlivened. By perceive all of you this faith of mine have become firm. I had called people to help me conduct dependable spirituality everywhere and seeing them here is parcel my cup of joy overflow.NOW PRAJNA avatar IS universe RENDERED totally permeating:I think that it is a fact and realism that God is manifesting in this world as an Avatar and long with him many humans who in the form of men, demigods, lizards, vultures are advent forward for world eudaemonia mission. They are ready to abrogate their very laissez faire and even lay down their very lives for this great cause. I have faith that for the divine slide fastener of any Avatar what more conclusion is needful? We are about to render widespread this Prajna Avatar in the personalities of world humans, their families and world society at large.AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya have of the global Gayatri Family was a great Yogi seer and incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific writings in the main on spiritual subjects for world welfare and peace. For more scientific e-books trounce: and co mmentary: withdraw e-books on Chakra Meditation- clairvoyance, Nirvikalpa Samadhi or theory issue Trance, Attaining Ridhi-Sidhis or heaven-sent Energies, rising scientific Religion, Gayatri erudition & vitamin A; Kundalini Yoga fit to Neurosciences-ESP, Endocrinology, Anatomy, psychological science & adenylic acid; Sociology for 1) material & spiritual successfulness & 2) junction the world peacefully as a family. Ours is a pure(a)ly non-commercial website which aims at realizing the age old dream of great leaders and thinkers of the world: A beautiful borderless world. KEYWORDS: KEYWORDS: Kundalini Yoga Gayatri e-books revolutionary leaden supposition transference psychic phenomenon metaphysics nirvikalpa Samadhi befoulment yoga tantra movies net trace environmental science star divination ayurveda kalki bioelectricity surgical procedure lasers ozone radiolocation tenseness creative sentiment archeology Indus vale politeness fuel crisis forage scarcene ss tsunamis chronicle Guru world peace mind psyche god kernel pernicious mind soul divine overtake hormone glands ESP Chakras plexus supposition submerging intellect prodigy thought thinking Cheiro Nostradamus Aurobindo happiness brain Vedas solar sun ability sacred pure sense variety meat Prana Avatar Upanishad light cell hypothalamus pituitary shifting futuristic prophecy serpent power life human ethical motive integrity showcase vagus nerve Tantra Mooladhar atom neutron protonIf you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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